Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We have a heartbeat!

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I went in today for another scan. We were able to see and hear the baby's heartbeat: 180bpm. It was relieving to hear. I have a home dopplar and I think I might attempt to try to find the heartbeat at home. I know some moms on the May Due Date board were able to hear it this early. I can't remember when I could hear it with P. 10 weeks? 12 weeks?

He/she was moving around and it was so cute to watch! Like a little jumping bean. The baby measured 8w6d. I'm sure those measurements change often, but I decided I like that further along date than 8w3d, so I changed my floaty baby.

Its hard to tell that this isn't just a gray blob on the screen. Its not near as cute as Kim's little baby but she does have a few weeks on me. I *think* that the baby is curled up (check out floaty baby over in the sidebar) and facing us (is that right LeeAnn? Mom?). The head is to the left... you can make out the shape of it... its close to half the size of the blob. We were able to see the little arm nubs on the scan when the baby was moving around. I love being able to peek in at the new little one. This pregnancy still seems so surreal. I mean, half the time I forget I'm pregnant, but then I realize "DUH! There is a reason I'm barfing all day and feeling like crap." And then I get to check in him/her and it makes it so much more real.


Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Great news!

Kim said...

Awwww,look at your jelly bean! You are so lucky your mom can hook you up! It's cool to see as I had a 6 week scan and it was a blob then to see yours and then to see my 10.5 week one - it's a cool progression!!

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Thats great picture of your baby!! You're right, and just look at your little floating baby, just like those arms and legs are curled in, seen just like your ultrasound too..